What a historic day for Israel ! Jerusalem is declared as the capital of Israel after more than 2000 years by the leader of the free world, President Donald J Trump.
It was only after nearly 2000 years in 1967 during the 6 days war where Jerusalem
was reunitedafter the destruction of the Temple and the exile of the Jewish people
by the Roman empire in the year 70 A.D according to the word of God spoken by
Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:2.
Today a prophecy that was given on January 1, 2017 was fulfilled. We can clearly
observe how time was stretched and delayed till the end of the year. How many of
us would have had the faith to believe the prophecy given on the beginning of the
year ? I myself, inspired by the holy spirit uploaded the video concerning this
prophecy just a week ago and it came to pass exactly a week after my upload.
How many of us really believed the word of the Lord that 2017 will certainly be a
turning point year for Israel ? It's happened ! Whether we believe or not is irrelevant.
The Almighty God is sure to preserve his word and manifest his word at the
right time through his prophets.
'Surely the Lord God does nothing unless he reveals his secrets to his servants,
the Prophets' - Amos 3:7
According to the Bible, the God of Israel has made Mount Zion, Jerusalem his
dwelling place on the eath and the reason why he chose that place can be a mystery.
But it is the same area of land that was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - and
the promise of God to make that place an eternal place of dwelling one day. This is
what the Bible tells about Jerusalem..
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure" - Psalm 122:6
Do good in your good pleasure to Zion: build you the walls of Jerusalem - Psalm 51:18
The Lord built Jerusalem on the holy mountain. He loves its gates more than any other place in Israel. City of God, wonderful things are said about you - Psalm 87 :1
The one who touches you (Mount Zion, Israel) touches the apple of my eyes - Zechariah 2:8
There is no shadow of doubt that the Biblical texts give the most importance to this
peace of land more than any other and its a piece of land that is set apart to God
and his chosen people. Hence, the idea or act to divide or spilt Israel or Jerusalem
is going to be followed by just one thing : God's Judgement on a particular nation
that is involved in harming his holy place.
Read more in the Bible about Go's love for Jerusalem, there are two entire chapters
dedicated to this :
Psalm 87 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...
Ezekiel 16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...
Description :
0:56 - Donald Trump promise to the Jewish people
1:20 - Ben Shapiro's take on Jerusalem as Israel's capital
2:15 - President Trump made the right move
2:45 - The reason Jerusalem is what it is is because of the Bible
3:40 - Terror Concernsover Jerusalem
President Donald Trump Speech about Jerusalem : 4:18 - 15:42
6:40 - Jerusalemis the capital of Israel
16:00 - Pastor John Hagee take on the event
17:10 - Pastor John Hagee and President Trump meeting
17:45 - Jubilee Year teaching to President Trump by John Hagee
18:25 - Biblical Timing and Significance of this event
18:55 - God's prophetic clock is ticking
19:40 - Christian should care about Israel - John Hagee
20:20 - Israel and the world - Historic significance
21:59 - Prophecy about Israel - 1947 + 70 = 2017
26:20 - Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu about the declaration
Message to Youtube : This video may contain large volumes/parts of some of our
previous videos and it is important for all of us to consider the prophetic significance
of repetitive events and interconnecting prophetic messages. Hence, please do not
flag this video or put it under the duplicituous category. Moreover, we do not
monetize this video, hence please do not infringe on our religious freedom on
the youtube public platforms.
Prophecy 1947 + 70 = 2017 Fulfilled | Donald Trump Declares Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
Reviewed by Unknown
December 08, 2017