Shocking prophetic vision and insight into the Capitol Hill during
Obama presidency. The Lord Jesus Christ takes Prophet Sadhu
Sundar Selvaraj to the Capitol hill in the spirit in a vision and shows
him the evil pornography and other cunning works that were
established during Obama's tenure. Bro Sadhu accounts for Idolatry
and Obama's Muslim background and influence that played a key
role in devastating the USA in spiritual terms during his tenure.
The many other evils or 'filths' that were occurring in the time of
Obama tenure will be exposed by Donald Trump and he will 'shake
the USA'
Timeline :
0:15 - Donald Trump is God's representative
1:00 - Corrupt people, politicians will be exposed by Trump
1:55 - Capitol Hill Prophetic Vision
2:00 - Lord Jesus Christ comes into the Open Vision
3:20 - Lord Jesus walks with Bro Sadhu into the Capitol Hall
4:45 - Obama corruption
5:20 - Donald Trump correcting the evil during Obama 8 years
6:00 - God is using Mr Trump to shake the nation
Speaker : Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Location : Missouri, USA
Date of Video : December 4, 2017 - 7:00pm
Obama presidency. The Lord Jesus Christ takes Prophet Sadhu
Sundar Selvaraj to the Capitol hill in the spirit in a vision and shows
him the evil pornography and other cunning works that were
established during Obama's tenure. Bro Sadhu accounts for Idolatry
and Obama's Muslim background and influence that played a key
role in devastating the USA in spiritual terms during his tenure.
The many other evils or 'filths' that were occurring in the time of
Obama tenure will be exposed by Donald Trump and he will 'shake
the USA'
Timeline :
0:15 - Donald Trump is God's representative
1:00 - Corrupt people, politicians will be exposed by Trump
1:55 - Capitol Hill Prophetic Vision
2:00 - Lord Jesus Christ comes into the Open Vision
3:20 - Lord Jesus walks with Bro Sadhu into the Capitol Hall
4:45 - Obama corruption
5:20 - Donald Trump correcting the evil during Obama 8 years
6:00 - God is using Mr Trump to shake the nation
Speaker : Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Location : Missouri, USA
Date of Video : December 4, 2017 - 7:00pm
Prophecy | Filth, Idolatry & Pornography in Capitol - Exposed by God's Representative Donald Trump
Reviewed by Unknown
December 05, 2017